These are not suggestions, these are the Guitar Hero commandments! Join and spread them throughout mankind.
1. Playing with the regular controller is a DISGRACE to the game and all who play it. You will use a guitar controller or you will not play. NO EXCEPTIONS.
2. Do not talk to someone while they are playing Guitar Hero. Seriously, it's hard enough to hit all the fucking notes and now I have to hold a conversation?
3. Do not walk in front of people playing Guitar Hero. No matter how good you think I am, i'm going to miss the notes that I can't see.
4. Do not sit down while playing Guitar Hero. Have you ever seen Jimi Hendrix rock out while sitting down? You can't rock unless you're standing.
5. Do not stand like a girl while playing Guitar Hero. When onstage have you seen a guitarist stand duckfooted with his feet together? You are supposed to be a GUITAR HERO not a GUITAR PUSSY.
6. Do not pause Guitar Hero in the middle of a song. So what if your phone rings, there's a cool invention called a VOICE MAILBOX.
7. If you are hitting more than 90% of the notes on medium, MOVE UP TO HARD. There's nothing like being beaten by someone on medium and having them feel all special. If you're too afraid to use the orange then STOP PLAYING THIS GAME.
8. Always play Guitar Hero with the sound on max. How can you play the song when you can't even hear it over the clicking of the strumming? Rockstars don't put up with fussy roommates or parents. If they don't like it, kick them out.
9. Do not sing while watching people play Guitar Hero. The words are already in there, you're just fucking us up.
10. Stop talking about your friend that can beat Jordon on expert. Everyone's seen it on youtube, and no one gives a shit about your mythical friend.
11. Stop choosing the same song over and over. We all know someone who finally gets their turn and then chooses something long and annoying like Sweet Child of Mine EVERY TIME. It's a good song, but after the 500th time it makes us want to beat you with the guitar.
*Seriously, this game is addictive. Shout out to Zico for introducing this game to me :D
June 12, 2008 at 10:44 PM
Playing guitar hero is just like playing with your balls.... try it...
June 15, 2008 at 5:24 PM
sengal la lu ahahaha