Infatuated Sound

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Black Light Burns is an industrial rock band featuring Wes Borland (formerly of Limp Bizkit, Big Dumb Face, Eat the Day and the new guitarist for Marilyn Manson. W00t W00t!!!). The band's original studio lineup consisted of Borland himself, along with Danny Lohner (Nine Inch Nails, A Perfect Circle), Josh Eustis (Telefon Tel Aviv) and Josh Freese (The Vandals, A Perfect Circle, Nine Inch Nails).

I have a mark on me
Like a brand on my skin that only I can see
I don't know what it means, I get caught up in dreams
I feel like running away,
So yeah, let's run away
Sometimes you kinda have to get lost
If you're ever gonna find your way back to where you came from
And if we go there, they'll just want us to bleed
Because it's never enough
It's never enough

I followed the footprints
Around in the snow
I ended up doing circles and came back home
Where I started to find that everyone was a sign
And all that mattered was that this fucking fire's mine
Sometimes you kinda have to die
If you're ever gonna find your way back to where your life is
If hate is a fist and love is a flame
I'm gonna smash it and burn it 'cause it's all the same

It keeps bleeding and bleeding
It's never enough,
It's a lush, it combusts and it continues to swell
And I've tried, yes I've tried to ignore this scar
But it keeps burning in me and it won't let me breathe

So cut out the heart
And watch the world burn down
Let's tear it apart
Let's leave a mark


  1. Anonymous  

    haih bila la marilyn manson nak sampe mesia? mmg tak la kan hahaha!

  2. Radin Hairi  

    hahaha, i wish!

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